The Seabright Beach Coastal Enhancement Project began at the entrance cove to Seabright Beach in 2013 and now covers from the San Lorenzo River Mouth to the West Harbor Jetty and has become the largest coastal restoration project in the City of Santa Cruz. The project is increasing coastal resiliency by using green infrastructure to build coastal dunes that protect our shorelines and provide important wildlife habitat in the urban envelope.
This grass roots restoration is fueled by a dedicated group of community volunteers and students from Gault Elementary School, Monarch Elementary School, Alternative Family Education and Costanoa High School. Major partner and land owner, California State Parks, has dedicated significant staff time and resources to make this project happen. Supporters include the NOAA Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary and BWET Program, CA Coastal Commission Whale Tail, California Coastal Conservancy as well as private donors. Corporate partners include Google, Patagonia, Verve Coffee, West Marine, and others over the years. Together we are making an impact and have now restored over 1/2 mile of coastal dune, strand and bluff habitat. Students have returned following their restoration work to measure changes in coastal biodiversity and to paint signs for labeling native plants.
Gault Elementary School 3rd Grade students presented details on their efforts with the Seabright Beach Coastal Enhancement project to the Santa Cruz City Council. This urban coastal restoration project is engaging our youth in restoration science, enhancing coastal biodiversity, and re-visioning a healthy coastline.
Groundswell Swell Restoration Ecologist Jeb Bishop in action.